A Merry Christmas Collection
For late intermediate harp and flute (or C melody instrument), three arrangements in this collection from the CD “A Merry Little Christmas” by RoseWynde: Kathryn Cater, Harp, and Sandy Duffy Norman, Flute.
Includes: The Holly and the Ivy /Deck the Halls, Carol of the Bells, The First Noel.
All clips are from “A Merry Little Christmas”. Complete tracks are available digitally through Itunes or Amazon.
You may also purchase the CD on this website or on Amazon.
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Deck the Halls / The Holly and the Ivy Medley
There are three tunes in this medley, as there are two traditional melodies titled “The Holly and the Ivy” (one familiar, one less known but lovely), ending with a lively jig interpretation of the familiar carol. Though written for and recorded on pedal harp, an accomplished lever harpist should be able to modify this arrangement to suit their performance style. 138 measures, over three minutes on the CD, score is four pages.
Carol of the Bells
The traditional carol weaves and bends, passing elements back and forth between harp and flute. This is exciting to perform! Written as recorded on pedal harp, it may be possible to omit or limit the frequent F# and G# accidentals and play alternate chords or open fifths to make this work for lever harp. See suggestions in examples below. 123 measures, nearly 3 minutes on the CD, score is four pages.
Lever harp could omit the bass clef G#, insert 8th rest in RH on beat one of m.51, and repeat m. 51-52 in place of m. 53-54 (not shown) which are an octave higher. — or write an open fifth arpeggio (E - B - E - B … etc)
Lever harp could play measure 73 8va to omit two lever changes, and not play the G natural in measure 76.
The First Noel
Sweet and simple, there are no pedal/lever changes.
The First Noel